Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day!

Today was the first snow day for 2011! It was announced just after lunch yesterday, and I loved knowing that I didn't have to keep checking for closings all night long (you know you've done it, too!). Justin found out this morning that Bose was closed, so we were able to actually enjoy the day together without worrying about shoveling until the snow stopped or trying to drive anywhere.

Robbie's seen snow before, but he wasn't aware enough of anything to actually know what it was. Not today, though. This morning, Justin, Robbie, and I spent about twenty minutes getting ready to go out in the snow. After all, we had a new sled to break in. There were layers of clothing to put on. Pairs of gloves and mittens to find. Justin's were buried in the car, so he wore girl gloves. Robbie wore mittens from two different pairs.

And then there was the snow suit... It's one that my brother wore when he was little. Robbie put it on like a good sport, but he just looked uncomfortable in it. It was a tight fit. And it has Peter Cottontail on the front. Not very manly, but Robbie pulled it off pretty well.

Robbie enjoyed his sled ride for the most part. Until he took off his hat and threw it in the road (yes, we were in the road; the sidewalks were impassible with over a foot of snow). At that point, there was snow in his hood and snow in his hat. So it was a cold, wet head for young Robert. And then the mittens started to come off. At that point, Justin and I decided it was time to turn around and head home. We'd barely gotten to the corner. Robbie did not enjoy the ride home, as the snow was blowing into his face at that point. Oh, I didn't mention that we took him out in the middle of a blizzard? Hmm... Parenting at it's finest!

We went out again later to see what progress Justin was making in digging out the cars. Luckily, our fabulous neighbors downstairs had dug out the porch, sidewalk, and end of the driveway (even the three-foot pile left by the plow). Robbie got a big kick out of walking through the snow and tasting it. Until he took off his mitten. Then it was quickly back inside.

I'm off work again tomorrow, but Justin and Robbie will be back to their regular schedule. And I think I'm OK with that.

A few of you have asked, so I'll put a little update in here. Robbie's feeling much better. Thank you so much for asking about him! I'm wondering if this had something to do with his eye teeth coming in. There's been a little more drool and a LOT more irritability.

Stay safe out there. And happy shoveling!

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