We were a family on the move today! Justin impressed me with a 13 mile run this afternoon, as he prepares for a half marathon next weekend. Robbie and I worked in the front yard with our friend Elena, getting everything ready for fall. We weeded (something I've been meaning to do since, oh, July), raked, cut back hostas and lilies, and organized the mums I bought. I didn't plant them yet, and I'm not sure if I'm going to bother. I still have 200 bulbs to get into the ground, and I guess those should get priority. Right? And hopefully one of the neighbors will help... But that's a whole other story I don't want to get into right now.
While Elena and I were working in the yard, Robbie decided he wanted to go for a walk. Down the street. This kid has no fear; he just goes. And goes and goes. We corralled him in the Pack 'n Play, but he really wanted to head down to Mass Ave. and see what was going on in the real world. It's funny how he just suddenly realized that he could get so much more accomplished by walking instead of crawling.
Justin's run inspired me to go on my own. I ran 3.3 miles this afternoon in 39:55. Actually, I ran about 3 miles. I walked .3, and I'm OK with that. I averaged a 12-minute mile, something I never thought I would do. Now if only I can keep pace with my friend when we go running tomorrow. I feel like she could go another lap around the pond, and I'm done before we even start...
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