Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl

I realize this is two posts in a matter of hours, but I was off the map for two days. And tonight was so bad that it does, indeed, require two posts.

My son is out of control. Completely. He goes to bed at 6:30. Every. Single. Night. He might sit in his crib for an hour and talk, but he's in bed. Not tonight. The screaming started around 6:15, just as we got to Micah and Allie's. Or Allie and Micah's. He didn't stop until sometime around 7:30 (or before - I was out sliding into parked cars until around 7:30).

This child was a maniac for four hours. Running around. Climbing on furniture. He's never climbed on furniture until tonight. Grabbing drinks. Trying to touch the TV. Stealing food. Begging for food. Grabbing dog toys. Hitting the drums. Running around like a maniac. Oh, I already said that? Well, he did it so much that it's worth two mentions. And the final straw? He dumped a bottle of water all over me.

I missed the first half dealing with a screaming child and going to CVS to make it better. I missed the half-time show talking to a cop and a man whose car was parked on the street during a parking ban. And I missed the second half because I was making a futile attempt to discipline my child.

So, it's official. Tonight, I was one of "those" moms. I was the one who could not control her child. Who wanted to yell at him. Maybe even pinch his arm a little. I managed to restrain myself, though. After all, I knew he'd be asleep as soon as we pulled out of the driveway. And he was. And we made it home without hitting any of the other cars illegally parked during the ban.

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