Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day started like so many days: up before the rest of the family to start laundry and let the dog out. And then Robbie was up and the day was officially started with no chance of catching a few more minutes of sleep. But, he was all smiles and hugs and kisses, almost as if he realized that it was Mother's Day.

Justin took great pains to make sure I had a perfect Mother's Day. We went to church as a family, took a trip to Barnes & Noble, had brunch at Dalya's, and took a family walk. He sent me for a massage and took me out to dinner, leaving Robbie at home with a babysitter. It may very well have been the busiest Mother's Day. But it was pretty perfect.

About a month ago, I read an article in Real Simple magazine about the perfect Mother's Day gift. It's called the Mom Book, and the author's children write in it as their gift to her on special occasions. I told Justin that was what I wanted to start, so we went to Barnes & Noble for me to pick out just the right book.

While I was gone for my massage, Justin and Robbie got to work making Robbie's first entry in the Mom Book. It's a colorful expression of Robbie's enthusiasm for me as a mom. But, perhaps the most touching part, is the three flowers taped inside. While we were on our family walk, Robbie picked three dandelions and put them in the seat of his riding toy that he took with us. Justin went out to the yard and found the flowers to include in my book, so I would always remember our walk.

I'm not sure that there is a good way to preserve dandelions, but I'll be researching online just in case. I love that now I can have memories from special occasions like this all in one place.

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